
Just a few of the more popular services here at Lawn Barbers.

Lawn Care

Need your lawn mowed, or cleaned?

Custom Bob Cat Jobs

Custom bob cat jobs done safely and quickly.


Have any new ideas for landscaping? Give us a call.

Snow Removal/Plowing

Is your driveway backed-up with snow? We can do the plowing

Spring & Fall Clean-up

Pesky leaves making it hard for you to enjoy Fall and Spring? We can fix that.

Special Features

Features unique only to Lawn Barbers LLC.

Removal of Large Objects

With our custom bobcat jobs, you can get large objects like tree trunks out of the yard.

Premium Service For a Fracton of The Price.

We give a better yard and a better job at a cheaper price than what you would pay for other lawn care companies.

Long Lasting Relationships

When we do yards we try to make clients, but more than that we try to make relationships.

Our Great Area Coverages

Lawn Barbers LLC. covers Hudson, WI and most surrounding areas around that. If you take a look at the map on the home page you can see all the areas covered.

© 2018 Lawn Barbers LLC . All rights reserved | Website By. Michael Domino